Transaction Classification Administration

How do I get here? Setup ► Accounting & Invoicing ► Transaction Classifications
Purpose Transaction Classifications are used to map detailed billing items into an accounting system's General Ledger.  In most cases, the transaction classifications are defined by the client and map to Accounting General Ledger codes.  However, there are special, system defined transaction classifications that perform additional processing when selected.
Security/Permissions Access to the Maintenance Module is required
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A - only applies to the customer and products attached to the Order
Data Field Definitions View Here


At this point, you can “Select” a record from the grid to view/edit the detail or you can select “Add New Record” to create a new Transaction classification.

See "Admin Tool Buttons" for general instructions on how to Add, Edit, Copy, Save or Delete aTransaction Classification


Transaction Classification Field Definitions:

Field Definition Notes

This Required field is the user defined classification name. This value is displayed in:

Description This is an internal description for use by the administrator. It is not required and is not displayed elsewhere in TBS.  
Value This Required field is the numeric value stored on the Transaction record. Each classification must have a unique value. Typically this maps back to the client’s general ledger  
List Name

This Required field controls when the classification will be displayed on the Transaction Posting Page.
- Adjustments will be shown on Credit and Debit Transaction Types
- Payments will be shown on Payment Transaction Types.
- Details - tied to charge revenue generating items within TBS (i.e., Product charges, details, plans, etc.)

Taxable This checkbox controls if the system will generate taxing records associated with the Adjustment transactions. It is ignored for Payment transactions.  
Lookup Used in association with the Categories shown on the bottom of the screen. This is used with processing automated payments (Credit card / ACH payments) to set default classifications on these payment transactions  
Allow Payments This checkbox is used to override the system default behavior, which prevents new transactions from being applied to an account if there is a “Pending Transaction”. The default value is “do not allow” a payment when an account has a pending transaction. If checked, payments are allowed on the account when transactions with this Transaction Classification are pending for the account on the Transaction Posting screen  
Transaction Classification Categories

This grid show the classification categories associated with the current Transaction Classification. These are used by the system to automatically associated a Transaction Classification when a payment or credit is created by the system (for example, when a Credit Card Payment is processed). See Transaction Classification Categories for additional details.

GL Group Informational Only. Can be used in reporting for grouping together like transaction classifications.